
EHP Prescriptions

Because of our large volume of patients and their daily clinical needs, we ask that you give our staff a two business day (48-72 hour) advance notice for prescription refills.

Many times you may already have refills available to you. Check the label on your prescription bottle; it will indicate if more prescriptions are on record with your pharmacy.

Patients requiring fills on controlled substances must allow three business days for processing as these prescriptions must be picked up in person, as detailed in the controlled substances agreement. Patient’s taking controlled substances will have to be seen quarterly per the controlled substance agreement and at the doctor’s discretion..  Also note that all patient’s taking controlled substances will have a PMP pulled on them before refills are provided,or per the doctor’s discretion.

Please note that Dr. Kanal is presently unable to accept patients for chronic pain management. She will happily manage all other medical needs but refer to a pain management specialist as she sees fit.

EHPVA reserves the right to charge a $5.00 surcharge for lost prescriptions.


Also, Dr. Kanal cannot prescribe medications to patients who have not yet been seen at EHP, including patients from prior practices. Please see our prescription policy for additional information.